Hart Of Home


Friday, December 10, 2010

Want you!

So since my three year old was two he has always said, Want choo!  It is always when I am not able to hold him at that moment, of course.  He wants me when I am cooking, going to the restroom, helping another child, and so on.  For a long time, I am ashamed to say, that it really got on my nerves and I just wanted him to leave me alone even for a moment.  Now I am happy to say it brings a smile to my face and I tell him to hold on a moment and then I make time for him on the sofa for a little while; because that is all he really wants is for me to hold him for a few minutes and then he runs off to play.

Well David did it again this morning and I was washing my hands and then trying to do something else, but I stopped what I was doing (although I finished washing!) and I sat on my bed and held him for a little while.  It all reminded me of how blessed we are to have the Lord God on our side!  We can pray to Him whenever we want and say Want You and He's there!  He does not tell us to wait or hold on, He will listen to us whenever we may need Him.  How awesome and amazing is that!  He is willing to be there at a moments notice for us and stays with us for as long as we need him.

Can you think of the last time you did that with one of your children, your spouse, or a friend?  Or how about the last time you did that for Him?  When is the last time you sat to just listen to the Lord?  During my quite time with Him today he opened my eyes to the fact that I need to actually sit in quite with Him to hear what he has to say to me.  Not to squeeze Him in when I can but to really sit and spend my quality time with Him.  I hope today you take time to listen to the Lord and then the time to listen to those around you who Want You!

In God's Love Meaghan

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas School

  I hope this Christmas season is finding you all well!  It has been fun around here.  I know a lot of homeschool moms take a break and focus on the holiday season rather than book work.  I have actually been doing both.  I have cut back on our day to day schooling so that we may focus on why we celebrate this season.
  So now we read more books about Christmas and I even bought a book with Bible stories having to do with why we celebrate Christmas.  I am baking more goodies and we are watch a few more Christmas movies.  I am trying to just spend more time with the kids instead of trying to keep them working on school.
  I am looking forward to Christmas there year and I am trying to find ways for the kids to give more and not expect so much.  It's hard because I will admit we have spoiled them in the past and trying to back away from that is difficult.  I would love to hear from any of you on ideas on how to get children to be more selfless and less selfish.
  Merry Christmas everyone and I pray that you all have a very blessed one.

In God's Love Meaghan